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Wednesday, May 27, 2009 @8:07 PM

miche was told today that miche was a ferrero rocher instead of a kantos (well at least miche thinks it is spelt that way) but not a lint. miche told that it was quite a funny metaphor and found an empty ferrero roundnoir on her table. so miche proceeded to take the roundnoir box (dark chocolate rocher and slightly more expensive) to the person who said that she was a rocher and said "i am not a rocher, i am this!" well not in an angry way, cause miche was terribly amused by the comment.

somehow everyone thinks that miche is tired and down and everything these few weeks. truth be told, miche thinks that intellectually, she has had enough of the nonsense that has been happening and somehow she doesnt think that she is able to take the nonsense on an intellectual level anymore.

for the longest time miche has always known that she needs to compartmentalise her emotions and thoughts in order to survive. miche knows that it sounds weird and very strange and complex, but that is how miche has learnt how to deal with life and survive. and now this compartmentalising is the only thing that is keeping miche going but somehow soon these compartments are going to collapse into one. miche has too much anger against the world and against everyone.

miche needs to move to another planet, cause she is just tired.

i was reminded once again the other day of how you insulted and made me feel so small 3 years back. the damage you have done is more than you can ever imagine, so dont send emails and requests for friends, or even try to pretend that nothing is wrong. that period of my life that 6 short months is the one period i want to forget and yet know that i should never ever forget. because you taught me through your actions, that i am worth more than all you have ever treated me as and i should never be allowed to be treated as such ever again. so just leave and take everything and everyone who will remind me of you away and stay away.

Friday, May 15, 2009 @8:39 AM

miche is sitting in the office just wondering why is it that people can never shrug off some of what miche considers the most restraining conventions of society.

years ago, miche's friend's mother told her that it was imperative that we should all get married because that is the only way that a woman can fulfill her destiny. miche was 12. At that time, miche was like, hmmm maybe that can be true, but then as miche grew up and became older, she got to thinking about why is that marriage is perhaps one of the most defining characteristics of being a woman. why should that be so. anyway, this morning in the car, miche was told something that make her think again.

why do people impose their values of marriage on others? okay fine, maybe impose is too strong a word but you know what miche means. anyway, miche is too lazy to continue. later.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 @9:09 AM

today is the 13 of May, joshie clark kent hiew's birthday. miche cant believe that joshie hiew is 21 today, officially that is. miche was 19 when miche met joshie and now joshie is 21. that is long. haha =) anyway, happy 21st joshie hiew from all of us who are crazy, maniac, insane but still ultimately fun loving, loyal and best people to be friends with. yeah, all of us except, miche doesnt know where cheam and jake went, well val was takin the picture. =)

we love you joshie hiew. you know we do. =D

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 @4:59 PM

the phase of the day: man is someone who give you a very strong sense of "an quan gan" where he is around.

miche couldnt stop laughing when she saw this pop up in her msn window. imagine the hilarity of the entire thing. anyway, miche spent the entire of the long weekend drinking, too much alcohol, she is surprised she is still up and walking on tuesday and not poisoned somewhere. her parents are heading to genting tmrw and wont be back till sat, which means miche is home alone for the entire week. hurhur.

miche forgot how funny jude can be. he made miche laugh on sunday night. heh. bye kohei. go back to uk and tell me three days before. miche is going to miss you =)

Friday, May 08, 2009 @1:52 PM

Lifehouse - Storm

How long have I been in this storm?
So overwhelmed by the ocean's shapeless form
Water's getting harder to tread
With these waves crashing over my head

If I could just see you
Everything would be all right
If I'd see you
This darkness would turn to light

And I will walk on water
And you will catch me if I fall
And I will get lost into your eyes
I know everything will be alright
I know everything is alright

I know you didn't bring me out here to drown
So why am I ten feet under and upside down
Barely surviving has become my purpose
Because I'm so used to living underneath the surface

If I could just see you
Everything would be all right
If i'd see you
This darkness would turn to light

And I will walk on water
And you will catch me if I fall
And I know everything will be alright
I know everything will be alright

miche has always loved lifehouse songs and she somehow always manages to find interesting songs which appeals to her state of mind from lifehouse at particular stages of her life. it seems as if lifehouse is putting her life into words and music. how very interesting.

miche has come to the conclusion that english is a language that not everyone can comprehend, common sense is rare and stupidity is a virtue.

Thursday, May 07, 2009 @10:37 AM

miche doesnt know how to describe this poem, but it is rather hmmm...thought inducing. got it from goodreads' May newsletter. enjoy.

Jaybirds Feeding on Robinsby Trish Lindsey Jaggers

They are at it again. Momma
robin tears through the trees to save
what's left of her babies. One lies
twitching on the ground, its eye sock
etemptied by a jay. I can't bury it
until it's dead, and I can't kill it,so I sit by it
beneath the screaming nest in the sugar maple
as rain drops sizzle through hot leaves.

It's June, and it's supposed to be like this,
daylong heat frying up evening
thunderstorms. In the west, new cumulonimbus
stretch their gargoyle heads, growl long and low.
If it were dark, I could see lightning
ricochet from cloud to cloud. Thunderheads,
Daddy called them.

Four summers ago, a palm reader
told me that a man I love
is slipping away, a dandelion letting go of its seed,
the seed grasping the stalk in the west wind.

Daddy was afraid of leaving
for anywhere not close to home.
He always wanted to swimin the ocean, but I went first,
came back thanking him
for my life. Last time I dragged
myself home from the white edges of Georgia,
past the palm-reader's house just outside
of town, past the lily—pad-covered swamps, past tired cattails fuzzing out seeds,
he'd bought a van, "Next year
we all can go, and you can drive."

The reader said that I pass many but travel alone becauseI'm afraid of loss, of being left.
I closed my hand to this fool before she took
any more of my moneyor my palm.
The twitching stops. The rain runs
down my face, tugs free of my chin.
The earth is dry
beneath the bird. I triangle—fold it into one of his old hankies,
lift a corner just before the earth goes in.
I want to be sure.

The wedge of its beak is cold,
arrowed like the sharks' teeth
I found on San Fernandina beach.
He'll be dead four years this August.
Above me, in a high fork
of the sugar maple he planted
twenty-six years ago,the screaming has stopped.

Three years ago, we sold the van.
He'd parked it in the sugar maple's shadow,
the grass pale and stiff when we moved it.
Today I leave for Georgia.
In the west, the thunderheads shake
out their dark fur; the wind rakes
rain and leaves from the trees;
years of roots and worms and earth
steam from the ground.

I pat it down, make a cross
with rocks like we did when I was four.
"Why do jays do that?" I asked."It's their nature," he said.
All rain runs to the ocean.
I still taste salt
in the back of my throat.
I stand, drag my muddy hands across my jeans;
if I hurry, the storm will be behind me as I drive.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009 @9:32 PM

miche's horoscope analysis. miche wonders how true this is.

Individuals born on the cusp of Taurus (the second Sign of the Zodiac) and Gemini (the third Sign of the Zodiac) are ruled by both Venus and Mercury. Here, the influence of Venus endows these cuspians with a graceful and easy manner, coupled with a winning personality, while Mercury's influence increases the talent for music, art and eloquence. These individuals are thinkers, orators, artists and inventors. In short, the hands and brain work together in perfect harmony for this cusp combination. They display great imagination and tend to be very expressive, both physically as well as mentally. Taurus/Gemini natives would be well advised to become actively employed since the more they have to occupy their minds, the greater will be personal happiness...massage therapy, pottery, writing, painting and the composing of music can bring great fulfillment to these cuspians. In short, an idle Taurus/Gemini subject is a morbid and unhappy soul indeed.

The Taurus/Gemini cusp combination, also known as the Cusp of Energy, corresponds symbolically to the period of human life at around the age of fourteen. The firm-set Taurus nature here (which is controlled by the Planet Venus) acts as a counter-balance to the activity of Mercury (the Planet which rules Gemini) with its quick and mercurial ways. Because of the Gemini character, the desire to try new things is in the ascendant, but there is an inherent reluctance to relinquish the old...a carry-over from Taurus. This factors greatly in stability. However, an excess of this trait can hamper the Gemini nature and may result in an attempt to do two things at once...usually to the detriment of both. It can also make these cuspians stubborn about lesser things, even when they know little about them. Self-control is strongly needed in this blend and, once acquired, will enable these individuals to correct yet another aspect often lacking in this particular cusp combination...that being concentration, which is essential to this highly adaptable but somewhat contradictory Zodiac type. Those governed by the Taurus/Gemini cusp are said to be gifted in any domain they see fit to enter. These are often the artisans (and frequently the artists) of the Zodiac but, without the correct early training, are likely to develop in an abnormal fashion with a tendency to spend their time in sensuous enjoyment. These cuspians are said to have three masters: Castor and Pollux (who are seldom in harmony) and the Bull (who is ever determined to rule that historic pair). At best, these individuals are very busy and helpful...at worst, they become indolent.

Taurus/Gemini natives are exceedingly proud souls who would undoubtedly prefer starvation to dependence. If they do happen to find themselves in humble circumstances, then they will certainly be very miserable but, displaying entirely too much pride than is good for them, begging for help of any kind will be totally out of the question. These are glorious givers but reluctant receivers...a trait which can result in a character who is overly-free with money and a tendency to be wasteful. Thus, it is important that these cuspians develop a purposeful aspect to their nature. Nevertheless, these subjects can succeed at almost anything if they are willing to try. They are always active and energetic with refined manners and pleasing habits. They possess a keen interest in the world around them and the inherent charm cannot fail to draw innumerable friends and sweethearts. However, those involved with Taurus/Gemini individuals (who are notorious for their reputation as unstrustworthy souls) are likely to live in constant fear of losing them. To some, this may be an appealing challenge...to others, it is a frightening concept, particularly in the areas of business and employment. The brilliance of these cuspians is not normally sufficient to guarantee success in a given field unless such is supported by a string of undeniable accomplishments. Unfortunately, the characteristic associated with this cusp rarely manifests an endurance which is equal to personal desires and impulses. While slower and more purposeful people simply "hang in there," Taurus/Gemini individuals often find themselves being passed in life's race...rather like the hare was overtaken by the self-possessed and deliberate tortoise. The preparation of a resume may well be a rather painful process for these cuspians since it will likely reveal an eclectic background which is lacking any real depth...short sojourns in each job and somewhat dubious accomplishments, for example. Learning about the creation of structure and the value of limitations is essential for the growth of a Taurus/Gemini individual.

Taurus/Gemini cuspians will probably easily perceive themselves as more of a force than a person. No experts in self-awareness, from an early age they tend to forge a role for themselves in life which is active rather than passive...dynamic rather than static. As children, they are interested in everything around them, apt to fly every which way in their search for stimulation. These cuspians want to do it all and take on the world through a frontal assault. Some Taurus/Gemini individuals fail to form a strong ego when they are young, constantly wishing to please and often fearful of rejection. This can result in a character which accepts the wishes of others at personal expense. Thus, self-assertion and the building of a powerful ego can become a lifelong occupation for these cuspians. Taurus/Gemini individuals frequently remain youthful and light-hearted their entire lives, but the inherent need for physical pleasure can lead to an over-emphasis on money and the accumulation of possessions. Indeed, they are frequently somewhat addicted to sensuousness (and, at times, sensuality), prone to carry their tendencies to extreme and apt to invest in such items as fast cars and other material means of stimulation. In addition, without the correct training early in life, these cuspians may develop exceedingly large bodies. Nevertheless, these are basically tolerant and gentle souls who are often perceived by others as being scattered and highly-strung. The many interests of Taurus/Gemini subjects make them entertaining and loyal friends with a carefree and unpredictable twist. In their leisure time, Taurus/Gemini individuals enjoy pairing up with partners for recreation. Outdoor activities that allow a closeness with the earth are most favored. The love of conversation and good food ensures that relaxing dinners with friends are highly enjoyable and the inquisitive and literary orientation of this cuspian means that he or she will also enjoy mentally challenging pursuits. In short, the Taurus/Gemini cusp combination makes for a charming and congenial individual who has many friends and acquaintances in all areas of life.

With regard to relationships, since the rulers of this cusp combination are Venus and Mercury, any love affair must be both physical and mental in origin. The practical applications of artistic ability and authorship are profound on this cusp and domestic life is best if financially secure and mentally stimulated. The elements of earth (associated with Taurus) and air (associated with Gemini) rarely blend well. Instead, each element will seek to find its own territory or outlet. Taurus/Gemini individuals are inclined to be richly sensual by nature and, if left alone or isolated, may well become deeply depressed. Projects that are many-faceted and require patience can help in the healing of hurts for this combination. If security is threatened, a nervousness and lack of mental grounding may occur and it is essential for these cuspians to guard the throat and upper respiratory tract since, under stress, these body parts become most vulnerable to attack.

The great strengths of the Taurus/Gemini combination are stability, perseverance, and both intellectual and conversational skills. These cuspians are able to analyze difficult ideas and communicate those ideas to others in a clear an concise manner. Their methodical determination enables them to be productive even when others have long since "given up the ghost." There is a natural talent here to reason with others and this cusp combination is one of the strongest of the Zodiac when it comes to meeting goals...largely due to the inherent reliable persistence.

The most important lesson to be learned by Taurus/Gemini natives is that they should always be careful not to wear themselves out and realize that there are limits to what an individual can achieve in a short period of time. Additionally, it is important for them learn not to come on too strong and they also need to recognize the value of confronting personal fears and insecurities. As with all cusp individuals, these cuspians tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp...particularly those who fall within the Aries/Taurus and Sagittarius/Capricorn combinations.

Monday, May 04, 2009 @3:26 AM

it suddenly dawns on miche that she is way over all of the things that she was feeling over the past two months about debates and not being appreciated. that she realises that she doesnt really care anymore about it and she cant be bothered about it. somehow it is strangely liberating. miche knows that it is true that she has too much anger in her for no reason, but she guess she is slowly letting the anger go and for whatever reasons there is, this is one time where the ends is more important than the means.

miche hasnt been down or upset recently, but she guess somehow given her predisposition to sadness, she cant help but to sound upset most of the time even though she does not intend to. ha. oh well.

miche cant sleep again. bleah.

Saturday, May 02, 2009 @6:49 PM

spent the evening out with xiao poh poh last night. had dinner, bought the roo's birthday present and we went to catch a movie. he chose it not miche. well, miche wanted to watch traitor but he chose horsemen instead. anyway, horsemen in all totality is actually quite a nice show, gory but yeah it was really quite nice. but the torture scenes were a little too much for miche and miche kept hitting xiao poh poh in the theatre, asking him why was she made to watch such a show. he took a spin in the car. well, miche offered to let him drive himself home and he said no. oh well. anyway there was a line in the show.

why do people do the things they do?

miche guess that is a question that no one can really answer huh. why do people do the thing they do? maybe compulsion? maybe a desire to be accepted? to prove a point? to make a stand? but really, why do people do the things they do? hmmm.

thursday night's dinner was quite an interesting one. for a long time since aaron, miche hadnt had someone who would tell her what to do with her life, to find positives out of what miche perceives as a dead end situation. it was an illuminating conversation and if nothing else, miche guess that the enjoyment of each other's company is mutual. miche really does think too much for her own good and she wonders why cant she just take things the way they are and not think so much. miche received an email today from dominic soon asking to be a friend on this online document sharing site. miche has been avoiding him so much for the past year but somehow, miche feels that she will be meeting him soon, against her wishes and her will. miche wonders what will happen then.

miche misses being loved. for real.

miche:highly eclectic personality:stationery junkie
loves notebooks, the smell of printed-paper and ink makers.
her first love in life is basketball.
enjoys the intellectual adrenaline of debating, the beauty of theatre and music.
loves rainy days and blue skies
an avid reader, collector of teddy bears.
wants to build an dog sanctuary.
finds solitude extremely soothing
loves writing/typing/texting in lower case.
highly interested in the theories of Fredrich Nietzsche and existentialism.
fan of German language and culture.
finds the fact that she is a cusp a unique feature of her life
God, friends, and family feature strongly in her life.
she likes referring to herself in third person, something most of her friends find freaky
has a death wish or so she thinks.


da jie
de winne
hye ryoung
jakee babee
ji hyun
john leo caines
mark tan
meirlin's earrings enteprise
mr otaku
tae yeon



March 2004
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
August 2010
April 2011
May 2011

Book List

1. 9/11 Commission Authorized Report
2. The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
3. Human, All too Human - Friedrich Nietzsche
4. The Will to Power - Friedrich Nietzsche
5. Truth and Existence - J.P Sartre
6. Existentialism and Humanism - J.P Sartre
7. Fragile Things - Neil Gaiman
8. For One More Day - Mitch Albom
9. God is Dead
10. lullabies for little criminals - heather o'neill

Movies to Catch

1. The Queen
2. Confession of Pain (Shang Chen)
3. The Protege (Men Tu)
4. The Last Dance


birthday tree
the boss - 4 Jan
Elvin - 8 Jan
Gill - 10 Jan
WeiXiang - 13 Jan
Sam - 14 Jan
the grosmer - 26 Jan
Aaron - 1 Feb
Ben Yap - 2 Feb
Hiu Tung- 5 Feb
Ja Jung - 7 Feb
Josh Hoe - 8 Feb
Weilin - 13 Feb
Auyong - 20 Feb
Ting ting si - 25 Feb
Jik Han - 28 Feb
Yin - 2 March
Cheryl - 3 March
Christine - 20 March
Kenneth - 21 March
Chere - 26 March
Terence, Judith - 29 March
Meeschell - 30 March
Lex - 1 April
Mishelle - 1 April
Druggie - 7 April
Liz - 16 April
Melissa - 18 April
John Leo - 26 April
Hye Ryoung/the bunny - 30 April
Josh - 13 May
Jevan,Andre - 16 May
Kat/Siti - 20 May
Martino - 21 May
Seb/Rebecca - 22 May
Teddy - 23 May
T.K - 27 May
Aidan,Hon - 29 May
Jiajia - 31 May
fairy - 7 June
Cow - 8 June
the poh - 5 july
Char & Char - 17 July
Aramis - 21 July
Feli, Josh & Joe Nair - 28 July
Jennifer - 31 July
Paul - 7 Aug
Auggie/En Wei - 9 Aug
Mao Mao Chen - 13 Aug
Thazin - 14 Aug
Gurion - 16 Aug
Bryan, Seon Mi, Yilin - 20 Aug
Alessa - 25 Aug
Val - 3 Sept
Guy, Jac - 11 Sept
Rachel - 12 Sept
Mi-ran - 14 Sept
the tigger - 15 sept
Ji Hynn - 17 Sept
Nalli, Yint Zin - 20 Sept
Hello Kitty - 23 Sept
Leigh / Noel- 24 Sept
Celine - 25 Sept
Vicky - 26/27 Sept
Wint - 30 Sept
Ren - 1 Oct
Grace - 1 Oct
Mi-Young - 2 Oct
Sharm - 8 Oct
Marky - 10 Oct
the owl - 13 Oct
Jacob,Grace - 22 Oct
the eeyore - 23 Oct
Xiaodi - 28 Oct
Bo Lui - 30 Oct
Victoria - 4 Nov
Van - 14 Nov
Hai Ming - 19 Nov
Sun Min - 26 Nov
Zin Mee - 28 Nov
J Low - 29 Nov
Joy - 5 Dec
Nian Ting - 7 Dec
Luke - 27 Dec
Andy gom/Jhi Sheng - 31 Dec

50 things before miche dies

1. tell all the people she loves, that she loves them dearly.
2. send a personalised note/letter/gift to all her good friends and people who have touched her life, telling them how important they are and how they have made her life worthwhile.
3. spend a quiet but meaningful evening with her parents.
4. spend a quiet but meaningful evening with her god-family.
5. save a stray dog or two.
6. travel to prague.
7. give my teddy bears away.
8. try to write a decent poem or short story.
9. pay attention in class for once.
10. learn to forgive herself and those who have perhaps done her wrong.
11. drive to thailand.
12. walk down orchard road dressed in pink and purple only.
13. picnic by the beach
14. finish reading "dreams of the red chamber" in chinese
15. get the giant teddy bear i always wanted.
16. perform one last time
17. buy a dress / skirt
18. watch a cheesy, tacky, gawdy comedy - BRUNO or TROPIC THUNDER
19. pat a snake
20. throw a party on a bus
21. sky dive and bungee jump
22. walk all around singapore - halfway there
23. eat nothing but vegetables for a week - kinda stop eating
24. burn all her photos, diaries and letters. delete this blog.
25. cry with all her might
26. be happy and try to stay happy till the end
27. be amazed by the simple things in life
28. sleep at least 8 hours per day and not more than 10 for a week
29. write a letter to johnny depp
30. plant something
31. be a organ donor, give whatever can still be used. (not my liver though, too much alcohol in it)
32. get blind drunk, like seriously blind drunk
33. draw/paint/compose a last picture
34. she hates taking pictures, but yeah, take a picture with all her loved ones.
35. be totally ladylike for a whole day. (i.e. dont swear, curse or be mean)
36. cycle to changi and back.
37. attend church everyday
38. take all the bus services available in singapore
39. get 2 tattoos
40. buy cup noodles and eat them by the roadside. well i ate by the beach, doesnt count right
41. colour her hair in multi-hues
42. draw up a will
43. climb a tree
44. remember to smile.
45. compete in one last basketball tournament
46. debate competitively one last time
47. eat all the gelato she wants
48. eat all the dairy products she wants
49. celebrate the life that's been
50. Thank God.

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